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I am a series of randomly collected ideas running loose in a wild mind. I am hoping they will come together for a strong blog about library technology with a slight creative flair.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Life in a Cloud

I have been reevaluating my use of the Amazon Cloud service thanks to this weeks reading. I think Cloud technology is definitely a plausible idea for libraries. I kept focusing on policy creation and how it would benefit managers to be able to share their ideas and experiences with policies among themselves and the director. This would help for better policy creation just to know and understand what the policy really needs. This would help improve policy so informed policies can be brought before regional and local boards. The more informed the policy, the better the library.


  1. My library system was using Sharepoint for this. Now, everything is migrating to Google Drive. I have found that sharing and creating Google Docs is much more user friendly. However, I worry about privacy and security with these types of cloud services.

  2. Me too. It would be way to easy to "share" a document with an outside source just by hitting reply all.
